How to shapen/trim the nails for stroke survivors

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How to sharpen your nails and make them shorter

Stroke survivors who have difficulty handling nail clippers with more affected hand caused by stroke may have difficulty preparing their nails. To solve this problem, there are three method. First is asking someone else to cut it. Second is cutting nails by self using some self assistive device. Third is cutting nails by self through changing how to use nails clipper. In this page introduce these methods.


Shapen the nails using the more affected hand


Shapen the nails by devising the environment


A self-assistive device to shape/trim the nails

In Japan, one of the most famous self-assistive devices is “One hand nail cliper”

ウカイ利器 ワンハンド爪切りIII UC-453
Product by UKAI | ワンハンド爪切りIII UC-453



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